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Why should I join the Watertown Downtown Business Association?

That's a great question! The DBA is a consortium of businesses and individuals who believe in the past, present, and future of our community. We focus on making Downtown a great place to work, live, and play.

To do this, we partner with the City planning department on infrastructure improvements. These improvements help to keep Downtown safer for pedestrians and motorists. They also improve the look of Downtown, making it a more inviting place to come to.

The DBA also works to beautify the Downtown district by sponsoring seasonal decorations including supplying the City Christmas tree, flowers in planters, public art, and community clean-up days. These activities create a pleasant neighborhood.

The DBA hosts, or partners with hosts of events to bring festivals, pop-up markets, and other activities that bring people to Downtown. The increase in foot traffic through Downtown encourages new businesses to locate here and boosts the sales of established members. These events also give residents and employees a reason to get out and enjoy the area.


Membership in the DBA has a lot to offer. Members can serve on the Board of Directors, they can hold office, and they can vote in member elections and referendums. Members may attend any board meeting and may speak on any topic, but they cannot vote on board matters. Members may not attend executive committee meetings. They also get placement on our member’s page, and advertising opportunities on our website. They can take advantage of membership benefits and have access to all the inside scoop on DBA activities.


Supporters are those individuals and businesses that are not Downtown District businesses but believe in the mission of the DBA. Supporters get access to some of the same information as full members, but they can’t vote or hold office. Supporters may attend regular meetings and may offer opinions on Downtown topics during those meetings. Supporters may not attend board meetings. If you believe in the mission of the DBA and want to be a part of making it happen, then please join us as a supporter.